Summer Camp at Camp Henry islife changingfuncoolexciting transformative.
Camp Henry has had the privilege of serving campers, families, and guests in West Michigan since 1937. We believe that a summer camp experience at Camp Henry has the capacity to transform lives in many ways. With such a concentrated amount of time, a beautiful natural environment, intentional camp programs and activities, opportunities to try something new, and campers being surrounded by positive Christian role models - the combination is perfect for enhancing and positively changing the lives of campers and guests who come to Camp Henry.
Camp Henry welcomes campers of all faiths as well as no faith at all. We don’t require, assume, or expect that all campers are Christians or come from Christian families. Our hope is to simply be Christian toward everyone who comes to camp. Our staff members are truly awesome – energetic, encouraging, compassionate, fun-loving, dedicated, hard-working, and full of joy – and can hardly wait to welcome you to Camp Henry – please join us!
Voted #1 Best Overnight Camp in the Grand Rapids area from Grand Rapids Kids in 2022
Register Today for Summer Camp 2025
Mini Camp 1 | June 8-11
Mini Camp 2 | June 11-14
Week 1 | June 15-21
Week 2 | June 22-28
Week 3 | June 29 - July 4 (Ends on Friday)
Week 4 | July 6-12
Week 5 | July 13-19
Week 6 | July 20-26
Week 7 | July 27 - Aug 2
Week 8 | Aug 3-9
Week 9 | Aug 10-15 (Ends on Friday)

Ages 5-8 | Cost $300
Day Camp is the perfect way to get a taste of Camp Henry while still sleeping at home. Each day has a theme and new adventures await.

Ages 7-11 | Cost $530-$575
Mini Camp is the perfect fit for younger campers. You will experience all the fun of camp condensed into a half week experience. You will have a blast trying many new things in a safe, structured, and fun-loving environment.

Ages 8-17 | Cost $725-$775
Regular Camp at Camp Henry is awesome and has been the core summer camp program at Camp Henry since 1937! You will have the chance to take part with your cabin mates in all of our classic Camp Henry programs, including Arts & Crafts, Archery, Boating, and Outdoor Cooking.

Ages 10-17 | Cost $825-$875
Embrace the great outdoors with the Camp Henry horses and stay in our western frontier village near the corral. You will spend most of your day with our amazing wranglers who will help you learn the ropes of caring for your horse and will lead arena lessons and trail rides.

Ages 13-17 | Cost $825-875
Teen Adventures provide you with the chance to develop outdoor skills, forge new relationships with others, enjoy wild landscapes, and strengthen your self-reliance in outdoor settings. Whether you’re an experienced outdoor leader or have never slept a night in a tent before, each of these trips is designed to accommodate different levels of experience.

Ages 10-17 | Cost $850-900
You will spend part of your day riding the waves of Lake Kimball, wakeboarding in addition to other water sport activities, like the Banana Boat or knee-boarding.

Ages 13-17 | Cost $655
Come give your time and energy, get your hands dirty, work hard, and get a glimpse into behind-the-scenes projects at camp. As a part of the crew, you will experience what it means to have a servant’s heart and what it means to lead by example. Part of your day will be spent with your cabin enjoying the traditional camp activities and a few hours each day will be directed towards serving camp.